Nisi Java Kulturore Zvicerane 2025- Dialog përmes kulturës, me një program nëntë ditor

Nisi Java Kulturore Zvicerane – Dialog përmes kulturës
Dialog përmes kulturës: Java Kulturore

Java Kulturore Zvicerane 2025 filloi sot, duke ofruar një program nëntë ditor që shfaq krijimtarinë artistike të komunitetit të pavarur kulturor të Shqipërisë dhe nxit dialogun mbi çështjet sociale

Hodobashi Bledar EDA BLEHO

Nisi Java Kulturore Zvicerane tek Piramida e Tiranës me organizim nga Ambasada Zvicerane dhe Fondi Kulturor Zviceran (SCF). Eventi hapës mblodhi bashkë aktorë të kulturës, artistë të mbështetur nga SCF, partnerë ndërkombëtarë dhe përfaqësues të medias.
Ambasadorja zvicerane Ruth Huber theksoi rëndësinë e kësaj nisme, duke thënë: “Kultura dhe artet kanë fuqinë për të nxitur ndryshimin. Zvicra njeh faktin që kultura kontribuon për zhvillimin, demokracinë dhe paqen. Ne jemi të privilegjuar që mbështesim skenën e pavarur kulturore të Shqipërisë përmes Fondit Kulturor Zviceran, duke ushqyer krijimtarinë e saj, duke përforcuar zërat e saj dhe përfundimisht, duke forcuar rolin e saj si një katalizator për ndryshim.”
Ndryshe nga javët tipike kulturore të organizuara nga ambasadat, ky event paraqet veprat e artistëve shqiptarë të mbështetur nga SCF. Është një partneritet me artistët, duke u fokusuar në tema si mësimet nga e kaluara, barazia gjinore dhe qëndrueshmëria mjedisore.
Java e Kulturës Zvicerane e këtij viti përmban një sërë ngjarjesh të pasura duke përfshirë:
• Shfaqje në muzikë, teatër dhe kërcim të cilat prekin dinamikat sociale dhe kulturore të Shqipërisë.
• Ekspozita që eksplorojnë ndikimin në mjedis të konsumerizmit, si dhe një rindërtim të Pazarit të Vjetër të Tiranës.
• Panele dhe diskutime që trajtojnë tema urgjente si vlera e ujit, përfaqësimi gjinor në industritë krijuese dhe trashëgimia e propagandës komuniste në Shqipëri.
Disa pika kryesore përfshijnë:
• 28 janar: ‘Muzikë për Njerëz të Thyer – një eksplorim simfonik i historisë komuniste të Shqipërisë.
• 29 janar: ‘Mbi Peizazhe Ujore’ – një shfaqje kërcimi dhe diskutim mbi vlerën e ujit.
• 1 shkurt: Premiera e ‘Midis nesh’ – një dramë që eksploron marrëdhëniet nënë-bijë.
• 7 shkurt 1: ‘Horizonte të Ndotura’ – një ekspozitë e artit dixhital që trajton qëndrueshmërinë mjedisore.
Që nga fillimi në 2017 SCF ka luajtur një rol kyç në mbështetjen e artistëve të pavarur dhe praktikuesve të kulturës në të gjithë Shqipërinë. Aktualisht, SCF fokusohet në shfrytëzimin e arteve dhe kulturës për të ndezur një dialog kuptimplotë mbi çështjet e zhvillimit, duke shfaqur aftësinë unike të artit për të frymëzuar reflektimin dhe lidhjen. Është projekt i Agjencisë Zvicerane për Zhvillim dhe Bashkëpunim (SDC).
Për më shumë informacion:

Dialogue through culture: the Swiss Cultural
Week 2025 engages Albanian artists to tackle
social issues through art and conversation
The Swiss Cultural Week 2025 kicked off today, offering a nine-day programme
showcasing the artistic creativity of Albania’s independent cultural community and
fostering dialogue on social issues
The launching of the Swiss Cultural Week took place yesterday at the Pyramid of Tirana, hosted by
the Swiss Embassy and the Swiss Cultural Fund (SCF). It brought together cultural stakeholders,
SCF-supported artists, international partners and media representatives.
Swiss Ambassador Ruth Huber highlighted the significance of this initiative, stating: “Culture and
arts have the power to drive change. Switzerland recognizes that culture contributes to development,
democracy and peace. We are privileged to support Albania’s independent cultural scene through
the Swiss Cultural Fund, nurturing its creativity, amplifying its voices, and ultimately strengthening
its role as a catalyst for change.”
Unlike typical cultural weeks organized by embassies, this event features the works of Albanian
artists supported by the SCF. It is a partnership with the artists, focusing on themes such as lessons
from the past, gender equality, and environmental sustainability.

This year’s Swiss Cultural Week features a rich array of events including:
• Performances in music, theater, and dance that delve into Albania’s social and cultural
• Exhibitions exploring the environmental impact of consumer culture and a reconstruction of
Tirana’s Old Bazaar.
• Panels and discussions addressing pressing topics like water equity, gender representation
in creative industries, and the legacy of communist propaganda in Albania.
Some highlights include:
• 28 January: ‘Music for Broken People’ – a symphonic exploration of Albania’s communist
• 29 January: ‘On Waterscapes’ – a dance performance and discussion on water equity.
• 1 February: premiere of ‘Between Us’ – a drama exploring mother-daughter relationships.
• 7 February: ‘Polluted Horizons’ – a digital art exhibition addressing environmental
Since its launch in 2017, the SCF has played a pivotal role in supporting independent artists and
cultural practitioners across Albania. Currently the SCF focuses on leveraging arts and culture to
spark meaningful dialogue on development issues, showcasing art’s unique ability to inspire
reflection and connection. It is a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
For more information:

Media release Date 27.01.2025
Dialogue through culture: the Swiss Cultural Week 2025 engages Albanian artists to tackle social issues through art and conversation The Swiss Cultural Week 2025 kicked off today, offering a nine-day programme showcasing the artistic creativity of Albania’s independent cultural community and fostering dialogue on social issues The launching of the Swiss Cultural Week took place yesterday at the Pyramid of Tirana, hosted by the Swiss Embassy and the Swiss Cultural Fund (SCF). It brought together cultural stakeholders, SCF-supported artists, international partners and media representatives. Swiss Ambassador Ruth Huber highlighted the significance of this initiative, stating: “Culture and arts have the power to drive change. Switzerland recognizes that culture contributes to development, democracy and peace. We are privileged to support Albania’s independent cultural scene through the Swiss Cultural Fund, nurturing its creativity, amplifying its voices, and ultimately strengthening its role as a catalyst for change.” Unlike typical cultural weeks organized by embassies, this event features the works of Albanian artists supported by the SCF. It is a partnership with the artists, focusing on themes such as lessons from the past, gender equality, and environmental sustainability. This year’s Swiss Cultural Week features a rich array of events including: • Performances in music, theater, and dance that delve into Albania’s social and cultural dynamics. • Exhibitions exploring the environmental impact of consumer culture and a reconstruction of Tirana’s Old Bazaar. • Panels and discussions addressing pressing topics like water equity, gender representation in creative industries, and the legacy of communist propaganda in Albania. Some highlights include: • 28 January: ‘Music for Broken People’ – a symphonic exploration of Albania’s communist history. • 29 January: ‘On Waterscapes’ – a dance performance and discussion on water equity. • 1 February: premiere of ‘Between Us’ – a drama exploring mother-daughter relationships. • 7 February: ‘Polluted Horizons’ – a digital art exhibition addressing environmental sustainability. Since its launch in 2017, the SCF has played a pivotal role in supporting independent artists and cultural practitioners across Albania. Currently the SCF focuses on leveraging arts and culture to spark meaningful dialogue on development issues, showcasing art’s unique ability to inspire reflection and connection. It is a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). For more information: ***